Monday, October 13, 2008

Don't Give Up on Me...

First of all I want to apologize for my lack of posts lately. I've just been too exhausted to think of anything to say. Some of you probably got excited and thought I had the babe, ahh, wouldn't that have been nice! Unfortunately he's sitting tight. Tomorrow is supposed to be a full moon - maybe then? 

Anyway, I don't have a whole lot to blog about right now. I've been nesting and cleaning like crazy the past few days. Everything is ready. The ladies in my Wednesday morning class at church threw me a baby shower a couple weeks ago. I was definitely taken back by their generosity. I just met these women a month earlier and here they all were buying me gifts and wanting to celebrate with me. Rob couldn't believe how generous they were either. When I brought home all the gifts, he kept saying "I can't believe people you barely know bought you all this stuff!"

Rob & I went to the hospital this Sunday after church to look around so we would know where we were supposed to go when we got there. This really sweet nurse named Rachel showed us around. I told her I wanted her when I came in, but unfortunately the only day of the week she works is Sunday....and hopefully he'll make his appearance before next Sunday! Rob and I also went to see "Fireproof" last week and, oh my, I am so glad we did. Britni recommended it, but I was nervous as to how Rob would react considering how much they talk about God in the movie. But he really liked it, and I have to say he has been so incredibly sweet to me ever since we went to see it - not that he wasn't already sweet to me, but he's definitely acting differently. Last night we were laying on the couch and I was pretending to be asleep as he was talking on the phone to his brother and I heard him mention it to him. Now, of course his brother is "too cool" for stuff like that and must have made fun of Rob for seeing a "Christian" movie, but Rob seemed to shrug it off and said something about it still being a good movie. Have I mentioned lately how much I love him?

That's about all that has been going on in our lives lately. I wish we had more exciting news, but hopefully that will change soon. I hate asking people to pray for me because I always feel selfish doing so, but please keep us in your prayers - #1 one that I go into labor SOON and #2 that I will have a fast, safe, & easy delivery so we can finally meet this little boy!


Sarah said...

Well it's about time!! You had a lot to say even though you said you didn't! Since you live so far away, its nice to try and stay in touch. I will definitely pray for you!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you! Would you hurry up please????